Drinks spill. Lipstick smudges. Bra straps peek. Lint finds tuxedos. Sweat stains show. Shoes rub blisters on dressed up feet. No matter what the occasion- hot date or cool wedding - it happens.
Everyone knows the value of double sided apparel tape when a spaghetti strap breaks, your blouse gaps or you step into the hem of a long gown with a high heel. I would not have thought to use a household sponge to remove deodorant streaks from a little black dress, but it works. And mini lint rollers are as common as the day is long.
The problem is - aside from celebrity stylists and experienced wedding planners - no one has these items handy when you need them most - when "it" happens to you at work, school, senior prom, country club dance, cathedral wedding.
Now you can. So have a look at our new line of Fashion Rescue products from Miss Oops. And stand by for
Once they've passed our "oops test," Scarlett's Closet will offer many more ways to prevent, prepare, repair and recover gracefully - on the spot- from life's little emergencies with smart, handy products from today's hottest fashion rescue companies.
Want to try them out for yourself? Three ship for the same price as one!
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